In case you haven't noticed, there is this ongoing theme on this blog....cherries. I was going through my collected "cherry" themed graphics and photos, wanting to write a little something ode to the cute, sweet little fruit...and it IS February....President's Day and all.....George Washington and the cherry tree (shame on you, George!)....and I found these two posters with a cherry theme. Well, that sent me off on a tangent; of course, what doesn't? But I digress.
These posters got me thinking....thinking on how much I adore the artwork. Oh, how I love the art that went into advertisements decades ago. You just don't find the same kind of artistry as a whole in print media anymore. I love the stark contrast of the bright colors against a black background. They reach out and grab you and pull you in.
They are beautiful works of art that stand alone, but the underlying common theme of them for the most part is they are advertisements for liquor. It was classy. It was whimsical. It portrayed a life filled with merriment and frivolity. Of course, liquor and beer ads have always done this, but these are just pure beauty.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not much of a consumer of alcohol myself, but a little something now and then for relaxation or celebration in moderation is a good thing.
But most of all, I just love the art. Here.....sit back and enjoy the rest of the collection. Oh, I also threw one in there for coffee, just for good measure.